Please note that code you get from this repository is not intended for productive use (unless it's tagged as a released version, of course, in which case the usual alpha/beta disclaimers apply ;-)). We like to break our codebase, config files, database schemas and all kinds of stuff. We sometimes commit non-compiling revisions to facilitate collaborative development. Running such an unstable version might trash your settings, your backlog and maybe your computer. You have been warned!
Eh? OK, I get the first sentence. It is even a good disclaimer. Tagged releases are more stable. People regularly commit code that is unpolished. Sometimes even with some known bugs or issues.
The second sentence has me going “NO!?! What are you doing?”
The third sentence just blew my mind. This project is using a DVCS. Not my DVCS of choice, but really that doesn't matter. All DVCSs are made to have good merging and sharing of code between developers. Saying “We sometimes commit non-compiling revisions to facilitate collaborative development” is just a lack of understanding of how to use the tools. You are using a DVCS to facilitate collaborative development! This is centralised version control thinking.
Try this for a code to work by:
Trunk should always at least compile, run, and pass all the tests.
This hasn't stopped me wanting to work on the code, but it has raised my caution levels.